Thursday, September 10, 2009

Above Kitchen Cabinets

I have had some requests to talk about ---
ABOVE kitchen cabinets.

The majority of the photos that I share with you are just from regular everyday people's houses --- each with their own style, and using items they already have.
This homeowner loves the cottage look!


The changes here are subtle but do make a difference.
We took down the gerber daisies to make
the colors more simple,
and created a little grouping with the teapot and cup.

It feels less cluttered

The little pink roses go nicely with the pattern on the china.

This cabinet felt like a little too much was there.

We took down the extra flowers and just kept the little pink roses with the greenery. To create more of a group I pulled the two white plates back, and closer together.

These cabinets were also pretty full.

We made two groupings instead of having
so many items lined up.

It is always pleasing to use odd numbers.

So when you are trying to decide what to place on the tops of your kitchen cabinets---
Try these 3 tips:
1. Use items that have a particular theme or color
2. Place them in groupings
3. Add some type of natural element
(here we used greenery and little pink roses)
Take a look at what Julia has going at Hooked on Fridays.
And Melissa's Beautiful Life.


  1. janet said...
    Hi Angela, long while since i have stopped in, summer had me very busy. Im glad you are still sharing your fantastic ideas. The cupboards look much more cohesive now. I can't decorate above our cupboards as i could never dust up that high. My girlfriend strung greenery and mini lights and very pretty, yet simple. Hope you had a great summer.
    Cristin // Simplified Bee said...
    just ideas! lovely blog!

    Heartfire At Home said...
    You have gorgeous china!
    DesignTies said...
    The groupings help the individual pieces stand out more than they did before. I really like the plates and the tea pot & cup grouping. I also like how the pink roses echo the roses on the dishes.

    Kelly @ DesignTies
    blushing rose said...
    What great ideas, Angela. Love the presentation. Have a great weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon
    Anonymous said...
    What lovely ideas for above the cupboards! Looks fantastic.

    Thanks for stopping by Rose Cottage. I enjoyed your visit!

    Hope your weekend is lovely~
    Debbykay @ Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm
    Snap said...
    Great job! Sometimes too much is just that, keeping it more simple makes it feel much better!
    Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...
    I never knew what to do with that space. I just took down all of the upper cabinets. Problem solved.

    Nice job!
    Anonymous said...

    The kitchen cabinets images shown in the post are really excellent.

    Kitchen cabinets make quick work of all storage problems in the kitchens. One can store crockery, cutlery, pots and pans to recipe books in these modern kitchen cabinets.

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