Monday, July 6, 2009

Cool and Refreshing Makeover

Last week I shared with you what a great job my friend did
on Redesigning her Living Room.

Well, today I want to show you what she did with her Master Bedroom.


Now, she was in the market for some new furniture, so when I came over and talked with her it was during the before shot. She purchased some new pieces of furniture, then with a few ideas about accessories she then knew what to shop for:
Lamps, Natural Elements, and Fabric.


She changed out the navy curtains with some sheer white,
which softened the window.


Doesn't that feel Cool and Refreshing!

The two chairs that are on each side of the end tables where from
her grandmother and meant alot to her.

Notice the pattern on the pillows, and the touches of green.
I love the green reeds on the night stand.

The picture above the bed has a quote from a poet that her husband loves,
so that adds a personal touch to the room.

Look how nicely the dresser, along with the mirror creates
such a great focal point.

And along the top of the dresser she did a wonderful job putting together the lamp, flowers and frame.

Clean and Simple . . . yet it feels so COZY.

It really works doesn't it!

if she can do it . . . so can you!


  1. that is an "aaaahhhhhhhhh" all came together so very nicely! I love it!


  2. Such a beautiful room. It really does look so cool and inviting. A great summer look. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  3. Lovely, very successful.
    Any chance of a bit more info on what the little things are above and below the picture by the window? I love how they give a bit more oomph to a relatively small piece.

  4. Yes, the little round pieces above and below the picture by the window are iron medallions that are hung with little hooks. She got them from Rodworks.

  5. It really is a lovely transfermation. Having true items surround you that mean something is what a home is made of.

    Thank you sincerely for stopping by and commenting-- so kind of you.


  6. Ooooh, I just LOVE a before and after post! What a difference softening the window treatments made - very dreamy. Thx for sharing! :)

  7. Thank you for the medallion info! I shall check out Rodworks.

  8. I'm with you, I love the reeds on the night table :-) Also love the combo of fresh light blue and green -- gives the bedroom a very soft and airy look & feel.

    It's great that she was able to incorporate the chairs from her grandmother into her bedroom. Personal items like that are really special and should be displayed and enjoyed :-)


  9. i like the after pictures the best! ;)
