Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Clock Makes a Great Accessory

I love to use clocks as an accessory in a room.

They are useful.

They come in all sizes and colors.

They have every kind of style.

You can put them on a shelf or a table . . . or hang them on the wall.

Clocks add a round element to a space---
which is so nice when there so many square and rectangular shapes.

You can add color to a room with clocks.

So when you are decorating a room
Remember to Consider . . .

They really Cozy up the space!

Check out Hooked on Friday's and Beautiful Life this week.


  1. I love clocks, and I agree with all that you said!
    You showed some really pretty ones!


  2. Very nice clocks! My husband has always been into clocks. The good thing is that we always know what time it is :)

  3. What a variety of clocks you are showing! Nice post.

  4. Our only wall clock doesn't work. We just chuck our cell phones. But when granny comers over, she's always looking for the clock. It drives her nuts. "How do you know when to take your pills?" We're going to help her out.

  5. You can never have too many clocks! They are one of my favorites!

  6. I have a real weakness for clocks. I would love to have the last one pictured.

  7. My husband loves clocks. For our wedding I found a beautiful antique mantle clock as a gift for him. Through the years we have accumulated quite a collection. On another day I will have to take pictures of some of mine and share!

  8. okay i am so glad to not be the only one in love with clocks!!

    i want a few from you post now!

  9. Clocks and mirrors are my things. Saw so many new that I loved in your post. Thanks.

  10. Yes, a clock (or clocks) adds lots of personality to a room. My husband is looking for one to go above "our now being renovated fireplace." I just don't like the ones that tick!

  11. Me too- love your assortment of clocks-
    Happy Day

  12. :) Darlin you and i think sooo much alike!!

    Next week i had planned for a clock posting... perhaps I will put it off for a wee bit longer.

    But like you, i love LOVE clocks!

    TTFN ~~Claudia

  13. Wonderful assortment of clocks.

    So you have a fave one?

    Hi from N Ireland.

  14. I adore clocks, I could go on buying them forever. These ones you found are great!
