Thursday, July 2, 2009

Add Chairs to the Mix

When you are ready to buy furniture . . .
Remember that two Chairs and a Sofa are so much more versatile than a Sofa and a Love Seat.

You do not have to match ---
In fact it can be quite interesting to have
Different pieces that do not match.

Notice the . . . Chairs

Chairs . . .

Different CHAIRS, but they work!

This is where you can take the chair your grandma gave you and the one from a yard sale and create a wonderfully "Cozy" space.

Remember. . . ADD a few Chairs to the MIX!
(these photos are from bhg)

Check out Hooked on Friday's and Melissa's Beautiful Life.


  1. Great pics. My favorite is the second one. I love all of the colors and different fabrics and textures.

  2. Yes, most definitely go with a sofa and two chairs. The look of non-matching chairs is actually quite nice. Makes the room more interesting and not so serious looking, I think.

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  3. I love chairs, and not loveseats. Afterall, it's hard to get 2 people to sit on a loveseat, but everyone always fills up the chairs first. I also like smaller scalled sofas, they give you more versatility and again you're never going to get more than 2 to sit on one. Great ideas. Hugs, Marty

  4. I love chairs too -- they're great because you can do fun pattern on them that might otherwise be overwhelming on a couch or love seat!

  5. You're right on with this post. Chairs are the way to go. I agree about mixing different chairs. They can be be blended with print or color.

  6. I love chairs too, much more functional, nice images!

  7. Great pics, love all the colors. I'm with you on the chairs! Thanks for Sharing!

  8. The colors in these rooms really draw me into the room first then the furnishings. I agree about the chairs verses sofa/love seat. I have made that mistake one time in my life and it was too limiting! Thank you for your wonderful blog and all the great tips! I have my "problem bedroom" posted with too much furniture....need to par down and take everything out and start over putting one piece at a time in. Some times I even take photos after I start filling rooms up and go back to view. I can tell more from the photo! Luanne

  9. How about a sofa and Three chairs?
    We inherited a third chair but I didn't get rid of any others.

    You are so right in the flexibility it lends. I change things around regularly.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  10. I love the second picture as well! This makes me feel better for choosing three different fabrics for our living room furniture!

  11. Fantastic pictures! That first one is just dreamy!

  12. It's so much easier to move and rearrange a room with a sofa and 2 chairs instead of 2 larger pieces like a sofa and loveseat.

  13. I'm with you chairs are great- thanks for the tips- and the pictures are great!

  14. Great ideas. I love the chairs! In every picture...great post. What a wonderful blog you have! Have a blessed weekend.

  15. Oooh - I can't decide which of these room setups is my favorite. I can't say that any of them is exactly my style, but I love things about each. Chairs are so versatile and if given the choice of where to sit, I'd pick a chair over a sofa. Lovely post!

  16. I just LOVE that first room you posted. What a great mix of colors and styles.
    But the second mix, of fruity colors, is so fun too!
    Chairs are indeed much more versatile, but I'd always want to keep one sofa, for afternoon napping reasons. ;)

  17. I am not a loveseat sort - I love the look of two full sized sofas facing each other or the sofa and chairs - Love the pictures you chose, and love that you promote mixing it up rather than matchy - matchy!
    Happy 4th!

  18. You have inspired me to ditch the loveseat and get me some chairs!!! Love this post.

  19. You can't beat a comfy chair! Hubby has one... I just got it re-upholstered!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~Really Rainey~

  20. I loooove nos 1 and 6! Great pics and thanks for sharing!

  21. Becky, three chairs work great! Chairs really work because you have more options for creating conversation areas, and more variety in how you arrange your space. Thanks for all of your comments, and have a wonderful holiday.

  22. Hello Angela - this is my first time visiting your blog! I love this post. Thank you for sharing the photos. I have been hunting for a bench to put in front of my fireplace!

    Blessings & Happy 4th!

  23. I'm hooked. I want chairs now! AndI love how they don't have to be so sterile and match with the sofa.

  24. Those are great chairs, and such a good idea. We've got a sectional and even though we break it apart and move it around there's not as many options as I would like. It seems like one more chair would always be welcome.

    I love your blog too, and thanks for stopping by mine.

  25. Beautiful......... I also have a love for things that blend instead of match perfectly. It puts me into much of a box, I love out of the box decorating. I call the matchy decorating " canned decorating"; anyone can order it out of a catalog but it takes thought and love to blend the pieces to reflect your personality.
