Tuesday, June 30, 2009

YOU can Redesign TOO!

I love teaching YOU how to make your space feel more cozy.
There is nothing quite so satisfying to me, than to see that it is making a difference.

I met with a friend of mine a month or so ago.
She was ready for a new look and some ideas about what to do in her living room and master bedroom.
She had a little money to spend and was not quite sure what to be looking for.

Here is the Living Room BEFORE.

And here is the AFTER.
Now the wonderful thing about this is --- that she did it all on her own --- well, I did talk to her about a few ideas, but she took the information from the blog and used it
to put together her new room.

After seeing the post on making a "Unit", she decided to put together the oval table with the lamp and the three pictures hanging vertically up the wall.

Then picked a few fresh flowers from her yard and placed them on the table to add a lovely natural element.

Notice how the pillows soften the brown leather couch ---
it is much more inviting.

BEFORE she had a sofa and a love seat in this room,
but they were not nearly as interesting as the love seat and two chairs.

She went on the classifieds and picked up these two chairs --- they were partially upholstered. She decided to be brave and finish them up. Then with a little fabric left over she made a couple of pillows for the sofa. It tied the room together, and felt so much better.

The table between the two chairs was her grandmother's
and was quite special to her, so she was able to
add something that she loved into the space.

The pot with sticks, the books, art and the light over the piano
make a very nice focal point in the room.

She added a few accessories, frames, pillow, greenery, a candle and some books.

I have to say I was very impressed!
And she will tell you this is not something she really knows how to do ---

So the blog posts can help you too.

Just start with one thing,
and if you have questions please ask me --- I would be happy to give you some suggestions.

Now go give it a try!


  1. Great job! ok, SERIOUSLY, I NEED to know where she got the @ sign. I NEED one. LOL I have been looking and looking for one that size. I already have a "K" and with the "@" it will make my name. Kat. Can you ask her for me and post it or email me? Thank you thank you! :)

  2. What a warm and inviting space. I love the changes. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  3. wow, what a beautiful difference! your friend did an amazing job. I sure could use your ideas and help. I have this one corner in our somewhat long narrow living room and its the very corner you see as you come in our front door, so in my opinion it should be a nice focal point and its not, no wow factor at all. I havent conquered it yet. I have other areas of the room that are nicer focal points but its not what you see upon entering. Love your blog!!!

  4. Interesting blog.. Buy sofas online.

  5. Everything looks so nice! I have a long narrow bedroom. We remodeled an old 1920 farmhouse that had several add on rooms so we opened up two room for the master bedroom. We've lived here four years and I just keep moving furniture around but I still don't like the way it is. I'm too embarrassed to post it! LOL! Great friend you are to help hr out! Luanne

  6. Kat, the @ that you were asking about came from Robert's Craft. Google it and you should be able to get the info you need.

    How fun!

  7. She did such an amazing job! Thanks so much for sharing her photos. I love before & after pictures, they give me so much inspiration!
