Monday, June 1, 2009

Bringing Natural Elements Inside

June is such a wonderful month for flowers,
I gathered these peonies from the yard and they add so much to my Living room.

These white snowballs remind me of hydrangeas,
which I have always loved but have never been able to grow.

Pink peonies in a mason jar.

Fresh flowers just add life to a room.

Little sweet peas.

It is a perfect time of year to bring a little of the outside in!

Hybrid Lilacs.

Snowballs in June.

Take a look around your yard and see what you can bring inside ---
It adds a Cozy element to your home.


  1. What beautiful flowers you have! I love lilacs - I only wished they lasted longer. I've got several peony bushes planter but it's too soon here for them to be blooming yet. Very pretty!

  2. I love fresh flowers! They loo beautiful.

  3. Love the peonies in a mason jar! I took some of my mother-in-law's peonies to an elderly lady in a nursing home that I visit weekly in the jar just like that! She was an avid gardener when young and adored them. We live in my in-laws old farmhouse.....she passed away from cancer four years ago. I left the peonies right where she had them. Her children planted them there. We have a red house with white trim and the peonies clash being pink but I don't care! It reminds me of her seeing them each spring!

  4. You're so lucky to have so many beautiful flowers to choose from right in your own back yard. so pretty!
