Thursday, May 28, 2009

Room Redesign . . . Without Moving Furniture?

This post is for all of you who have a big sectional sofa, a fireplace and an entertainment center in your family room.

BEFORE - There are times when the furniture will just not work any other way.

So . . . what do you do to make the difference?

You work with the accessories and help to create
focal points and balance.

AFTER - We did move the entertainment center about a foot to the left, see how it is not so crowded in the corner now. There is more of a balanced feel on that wall.
We centered the clock over the entertainment center and brought in a few other accessories to create a "Unit" or grouping.
It now feels more balanced and like more of a focal point. Also notice the lamp.
It really does add life to the space.

BEFORE - The picture above the fireplace is not quite large enough in scale.

AFTER- We brought in a few more pieces and propped them up together. The FAMILY sign above them all added to the grouping, and gave it more substance to balance the fireplace.

BEFORE- This corner needed a little life.

AFTER- The RED really gave it a pop!

BEFORE- We just moved the red items to a different spot.

AFTER- And replaced them with a nice iron detail.

BEFORE- Notice the rug and above the china hutch.

What did we do?
The red patterned pillows we found in the living room ---
They worked great in tying the red throughout the room.
In this shot you can also see the angle of the rug.
It just made for a little different feel.
Above the china hutch we put some greenery that we found in the basement, and we added a little lamp.
Wow! Doesn't that bring some life to that space.
See what a difference
Little changes can make!

Check out Hooked on Friday's and Beautiful Life


  1. Found your blog through The Inspired Room - what a great blog you have! Love all the pictures to show what can be done to vamp up a room with little to no money!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. OMG! smart idea. How I wish you could help me to sort my lounge too §:-))

    Both hubby & daughter hates petité lounge. But I can't see how to my furniture togeher to the right spots.

    Ahhh...I wish am just around in the vicinity, so you can just drop by.

    Any idea?

    Hope you have a great Friday!!!

  3. I like how you are just doing it. I'm afraid to move anything. We do have a design friend whole come over and rearrange things, as you do. Small change like yours really pump thing up.

  4. Great changes, it is so fun to play around with just some minor tweaking!

  5. These may be little changes, but they made a huge difference. Love them. Hugs, Marty

  6. I love when little tweaks can make all the difference!! You've done such a nice job!

  7. Oh my! It really is the little things that can make such a big difference. Amazing!

  8. Clever posting, you're right, sometimes furniture has to stay where it is.
    Having lived in England (tiny space) lots of the art I own is small scale. I liked how it looked when you grouped it on the mantelpiece - thank you for the ideas!

  9. Richie, I wish you were closer too --- then I could bop on over and have a look! I'm hoping that I am giving many examples and that something you are struggling with will be addressed in some way. Be brave --- just try a couple of principles and see what happens!

  10. It's nice to see how just a few simple touches can change a room- thanks for reminding me that it's now always about moving the furniture-

  11. Your blog is so helpful! Thank you.

  12. The touches of red just breathed life into the room.

  13. I just LOVE this post. I can't believe what a difference those little changes made to the space. I was especially impressed by how moving the clock over the entertainment center made it look so much better. That is amazing to me. I never thought such little changes could have such an impact! Thanks for the great ideas!

  14. Thanks, Joanie ---
    It really is amazing what a difference Little changes can make. I so love seeing the before pictures right next to the after, because even when I am doing the room you don't realize how much of a change is really made.

  15. Wow, I can't believe what a difference those tiny changes made. I am one of those people with a large sectional and a fireplace (but a window instead of a bookcase.) I am going to implement some of your ideas!
