Friday, May 1, 2009

A Welcoming Entry

I love a welcoming entry!

What is it, that creates that welcoming feeling?

See what each of these photos have in common ---
and I will post the answers in my next post.

I am joining Julia at Hooked on Houses today--- go and see what others are Hooked on!


  1. What do you do with TINY, TINY, TINY entries like the ones in my house? That's something I wish our addition would give us -- a real entryway!

  2. For an otherwise small apartment, we have a large entryway, and my roommate bought a bar for it... I guess we welcome guests by saying "help yourself to a drink"... it wasn't really my first choice! but when you have roommates you can't call all of the shots unfortunately!

  3. I think I need to go buy a lamp. (sigh)

  4. What lovely entry ways-such nice details in all.

  5. Is another common thing "a place to put something?" A briefcase, a purse, the keys.

    Maybe the other thing: Even when there is no formal entry room do something that defines the entrance as a place to itself. A place to gather your wits on the way in or out. A table and lamp can do the trick. I have a hard time resisting you red lampshade.

  6. When you have a TINY entry --- try a mirror on the wall with a row of hooks to hang keys. The mirror gives the illusion of more space and people love to see themselves as they are going in and out the door.

  7. I love a welcoming entry, too. I struggle with mine because it's all open doors and entryways and there's not much wall space to put furniture or photos or artwork anywhere. Our last house didn't have any sort of foyer at all, though, so I guess I can't complain. :-)

    Great pics!

  8. I've just found your blog today, and LOVE it! You offer advice for everyday decorating, which is what I love so much!

    Thank you!

    Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

  9. HEY, thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me some living room tips. I'm loving your post's. You have some colors like mine, and now I have a few ideas to go with.

    You can consider me an official pest at this point.
    Have a great day.
