Monday, May 4, 2009

What says "Welcome to my House?"

In my last post I showed these photos and asked ---
"What makes these entry ways welcoming?"

Yes, lamps really do add life to a space and say
"Come on in."

Also see how we created a "Unit" a grouping of items:
the dresser,
the lamp,
the flowers
and a piece of art.

All of these entries have a lamp and a
natural element.

I love mirrors in an entry, they work great when you have a very small space and cannot put a table --- just hang a mirror and it feels welcoming.

Notice the lamp and the flowers.

If you have space it is nice to add a few more accessories and a chair with a pillow.

Also do you see how they are grouped --- a piece of art, a lamp, some flowers, books, a frame, a couple of glass vases.

If you have a little less space, use a small table with a lamp and a natural element.

See how the artwork is grouped with the table ---
It works. . . and it says . . .

"Welcome to my House"

A home redo challenge go and enter at Shortmama.


  1. I have loved checking out your site. It fits perfectly with what I had in mind and what I hope people will do with their rooms during the redo challenge. Thanks for linking up to me! This Friday I am going to do a post just as a reminder of things and a check in and I am going to do a link to your website so that ladies can come by and get some ideas!

  2. What lovely entries. They all say welcome and come on in. Regardless of the style, they are interesting and give a person a peek inside the rest of the house. Lovely post. So glad I found your blog. Hugs, Marty

  3. Angela, i have learned about your blog through Dawn at Eventually Cottage. I absolutely love your blog (still have more looking, i think i will be here for a I think your blog is great because it shows ways of changing things up without making more purchases, ecspecially in todays economy. I love the idea that you show real homes, and what i mean by that is homes that most of us live in (not magazine homes) and the makeovers are simple but add a hugh impact. Keep up the fantastic blog, im off to admire the rest of your blog and so far im loving the entries.

  4. Love the ideas! Nice practical ideas that anyone could use. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog, I'll have to stop by often for a visit. Blessings,

  5. hi Angela, im glad you found your way to my blog, and thank you for the anniversary wishes. I can hardly wait to see what you post next, i have had such fun looking and reading your blog,

  6. oops, by the way, happy belated anniversary to you and your husband.

  7. O.K. I love it here!!!! Thanks for commenting on my post of the redo challenge at shortmama's, I am so glad you did! I will be spending a lot of time here!:-)
