Monday, April 27, 2009

Create a Cozy Living Room

With just a few changes this living room is a cozy and comfortable space to be in.

The cedar chest in the bay window was made by the homeowner's husband, and we wanted to
keep it in that room.

She already had some great fabric elements---
pillows and a throw.

So what could we do to make it "feel" better?

We moved the cedar chest and used it in a grouping to create a focal point with the shelf.

We added some height and natural elements to the shelf.

We brought the "count your blessings" sign under the shelf
and with the taller lamp it makes a nice unit.

The Curtains make a HUGE difference in softening the room.
The homeowner found some fabric on clearance
and cut it into three strips.
She just hung them on little iron posts above the window.

Wow --- it really warms up the room!

The shelf and the picture feel a little "high up" on the wall.

Notice how we brought the picture above the couch --- down --- and added a couple of candle holders on each side.

It feels more as a "unit" with the couch.



The cedar chest and shelf grouping makes a nice focal point in this Living Room.

We found another lamp and turned them on ---it really brings "LIFE" to the space.

Baskets are great for adding texture to a room ---
That is just one more layer in creating a Cozy atmosphere.


  1. Fabulous. What a difference!
    My sister (Jen) told me about you, and I would love to have you come and do an enrichment focus group for us some time (she said you love to do that kind of thing). Would June (ish) work for you? She gave me your phone # today, so I was planning on calling you after we have a meeting and figure out dates and whatnot. I hope it works, it will be so fun!

  2. Becky, I would love to come and teach a class. I have a really fun presentaion, and everyone can go home with at least 3 very simple principles that can be used in their own homes.

    And it can be done with what you have in your home already.

  3. Amber told me about your blog and it's way fun. I always have a hard time pulling everything together, but I love the principle of making a unit. PS, I'm buying a new house and it has a very long family room. To make it more cozy, I want to close off the space and make it two, but now I don't know what to do with the extra space! It's easily 7'x9', so big enough to be a significant space. Any ideas? I thought of a large built-in desk, but the house has an office already. Help!

  4. Great transformation! It looks so much better!

  5. Hayley, Thanks for your post. How exciting to be moving into a new house.

    Your idea making the family room into two spaces is right on!

    It works well to create a few conversation areas in a long room.
    You can put a couple of chairs with a sidetable and a lamp --- making a nice area to read, or visit.

    A round table to play games on is also a nice addition to a family room.

  6. Those small things really can make such a difference. I love to rearrange furniture and rooms!

    Thanks for your visit to my blog...I am going to poke around your for a while!
