Monday, March 9, 2009

To Match or not to Match?

We are going to talk about matching furniture. . .

As you look at these next pictures from Better Homes and Gardens notice --- Does the furniture match?
As I have worked in homes I have found it to be so common to have a matching sofa and love seat as well as matching tables.

BUT when you LOOK in magazines you almost always see a sofa and 2 chairs ---

And they are not exactly the same.

A sofa and 2 chairs is so much more versatile ---

See how they use the pillows and accessories to tie the color around the room.

The furniture does not need to match --- we just want it to look good together.

The tables are wicker and the cabinet in the back has a worn dark finish. But they are tied together by the color of the accessories and pillows.

It makes the room so much more interesting when pieces have their own personality.

Notice the light stained coffee table and then the dark end table. Next to the ivory colored chair is a taller round metal table.

See how the pillow, the apples, and the flowers, tie in the color around the room and all of the different pieces feel good together.

Now this is a cozy room!

See how the two chairs are different
and the coffee table and the end table between the chairs are not the same.

On the sofa are pillows, that tie in the colors of the room, but they are not the exact same fabric.

This is a great opprotunity to tie in that chair from your grandma, or a great yard sale piece.

Mix things up a bit --- add some of your own personality!

I am participating in: Works for Me Wednesday --- go on over and see what's working today!


  1. i am so glad matching is not necessary,

  2. I totally agree!! When everything is matchy, matchy, it can be so boring!! But when you add different items of color and texture it is just so much more interesting.

  3. this was huge for me!! I thought everything needed to match. Now I try really hard to get things to look good together but not to match exactly. Thanks for the advice.

  4. Great site on interior design and furnitures. I am really enjoyed going through your website. Thanks for providing the info.

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  6. Wow, I love your blog. I got the address from Jason Adams and I have really enjoyed getting some ideas for my own house. Do you have any pointers for plant shelves? Is it best to leave them empty so they do not detract from a focal point or what?

  7. What a pretty post! And what an encouraging "visible example" to inspire all of us non-magazine-dwellers to get creative with what we have! Thanks for sharing.

  8. About plant shelves--- I prefer to leave them empty. It allows your eye to rest on the focal point.

    But there are times when you need a change and different look. So add a few items but it is usually better if the scale is larger and you have odd numbers. Also vary the height of what you put there so things are not lined up. I will be doing a post on this in the future!

    Thanks for your question.

  9. Could you please come do my house? I so want to tie everything together and just can't make it happen!! But this was very, very good advice!

  10. Feel free to ask me questions and I will do what I can to answer them.

    Wish I could come to Kentucky!
