Thursday, March 5, 2009

Living Room Redesign

What a "cozy" Living Room.
See how we did it . . .

The Living Room BEFORE


We took the small wicker chair from the Family Room ---

It does not neccesarily "match" but it looks good.
When you put furniture together they do not have to all "match"---
infact it is better if they don't ---

But you want them to LOOK GOOD together.

This wall BEFORE

The same wall AFTER---notice the large lamp in the corner,
it stayed in the very same spot.

We took twigs from the yard --- they are a little wild!
(We ran out of time to trim them up before the picture, but you get the idea.)

Also notice the green leather chair we found in the office.
It goes great in this room.
We took two pillows from the family room, they had bits of
and tied in those colors around the space.

This corner BEFORE

Feel how cozy it is AFTER

A nice conversation area with some lighting and greenery.

Also --- see how having space around the furniture,
not having it right up against the wall --- gives the illusion of more space.


AFTER -- This space is now inviting and comfortable.

Notice the pillow with the blue and green,
it matches the pillow on the green leather chair.

In this BEFORE the wall was full ---
without a focal point to rest your eye.

In this AFTER shot the black cabinet becomes a very nice focal point, and feels really good next to the green wall.

These two little framed pieces were in the family room on the mantle.
The little tree was in the entry way.

It can be like a treasure hunt---
Now go find treasure at your house!

I am participating in "Hooked on Fridays" at go and see what everyone else is hooked on!


  1. Pulling the furniture out from the walls makes a huge difference! Great job!

  2. I have been ridiculous about moving all the furniture around in my house lately! Must be the spring excitement in the air!

  3. I found your blog through Hooked on Fridays.

    Moving around what you already have is a great way to redecorate. Sometimes just moving the sofa to the other side of the room rearranging some pictures on the wall can make a huge difference. And for FREE -- can't do much better than that!! :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  4. Nice transformation! It's amazing the difference a few changes can make. It is so rewarding!

  5. Nice redesign!

    I find furniture placement the hardest part of any decorating challenge. My floors get grooves from furniture being shoved around!


  6. Thanks so much for this amazing tranformation: as usual it is stunning! Also, thanks again for your class in our ward the other night! You are truly talented, and doing such a great service to the budget challenged women of this world. Thanks for sharing what you have!

  7. You have such wonderful ideas, and it really seems very simple, yet I'm totally confused. Would you help me do the same. Would send you pictures of my rooms, cause I feel that I'm doing something wrong, either that or the house has a build in design fault. PLEASE HELP!!
    Andrea Cockrell from South Africa
