Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dr. Paul's Bedroom Make-over

I was interviewed by Dr. Paul Jenkins on Live On Purpose Radio
(the link is down below)

--- We decided it would be fun to redesign their bedroom ---
So here it is:


It was such a large room, that placing the bed on an angle really worked.

Notice how we turned on the lamps, and have them placed at different heights.

The green tree, and the bed, create a very nice focal point.

Wow... the cozy factor really went up!


The curtains made a dramatic difference.

It was as simple as adding fabric
that was stapled to a piece of scrap wood and attached to the ceiling.


The extra blanket on the end of the bed is one more layer of comfort.

Listen to the podcast . . .

We talk about how you can not only redesign a room in your home,
but redesign what you want your life to look like!

It was a lot of fun. Thanks Dr. Paul.


  1. It's amazing how much more finished and welcoming the room looks with the addition of drapery panels. Great work

  2. the after looks so much better.
    love the pops of red - the bed looks gorgeous and also dig how you put the tree behind the bed! cool.

  3. You did a great job, of course! Their room looks amazing!

  4. Wahoo! It's really fun that you could help us cozy the place up with such little expense. Thanks again for the interview!


  5. It's great how just moving furniture around and using things you already have can make such a big difference :-)

    The bed looks good in the corner, and the red accents are a nice touch :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies
