Thursday, May 28, 2009
BEFORE - There are times when the furniture will just not work any other way.
Labels: Accessories, Balance, Family Room, Focal Point, Groupings, Something Red
Monday, May 25, 2009
Notice the black painted coffee table and the two end tables, one is short with a wood stain --- the other tall.
Look at the toss pillows, they all have different fabrics and patterns --- BUT the COLORS go together.
It can be so fun!
Labels: Living Room, Matching Furniture
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What makes this little girl room so inviting?
We created a "unit" or grouping with
Pillows and blankets always make the bedroom feel inviting.
These little pink glass knobs are a fun detail.
The little pot of grass with the flower adds a Natural Element.
See the two pieces of art over the chair --- when you hang them vertically, they create a unit with the chair
So there you have it --- a very inviting little bedroom!
Go on over to Julia's Hooked on Fridays and Melissa's Beautiful Life
Blog parties you will see all kinds of fun stuff!
Labels: Bedrooms
Monday, May 18, 2009
Labels: Curtains
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I am wanting to share a few other ways to consider.
In this photo there are two pieces hung vertically, and quite close together, but it works well and helps to create a "unit" with the table and accessories.

The gold colored art on the left rarely gets any attention because it is just a space that they pass by.
Hanging the black and whites vertically on a wall that has less space.
They fit the scale of that wall better.
The larger gold art fills the bigger wall much better and can now be viewed from the family room. The colors tie in very nicely with the dining and family rooms.
The pictures are spaced quite far apart, as if trying to fill the space.
It feels so much better.
Now go and look around your home and see if you can arrange your pictures to be alittle more interesting, and balanced.
I'm participating in Hooked on Friday's and
Labels: Arranging Art, Balance
Monday, May 11, 2009
This living room had many of the right elements, we just
We moved the couch in front of the window and replaced the square wooden end table with a smaller round, that we found in the sun room.
We covered it with a table cloth that just happened to match and used the lace overlay. It worked nicely having a round table to break up all of the heavier square ones that were previously in the space.
We just exchanged the artwork with the large mirror.
I really like how as you walk in the front door you can now see your reflection in the mirror.
It livens up the space, as well as reflecting the light from the lamps.
We took out the coffee table, and added a few fresh accessories to the table.
The lace tableclothes are on all of the tables, we removed them and placed the lace on the back of the couches, it just created a little different feel.
We took out most of the dried flowers and added a couple of solid colored toss pillows.
Notice in the first photo we have a few touches of red --- a pillow and a book on the table, it really does liven up the room.
Sometimes you just need to FRESHEN up your space.
After all, it is spring--- Go and try it at your house!
Labels: Living Room
Friday, May 8, 2009
I was looking at what they used to accessorize a table top.
See what you think.
Lamp, Natural Element, Candles
Lamp, Natural Element . . . See the sets of three,
and the different heights. Do you notice behind every lamp there is almost always a
Mirror or a Piece of Art ---
that creates a "unit" or a grouping.Lamp, Natural Element, Bowl with green balls
Isn't that fun!
Now look around your own space ---
could you find a Lamp, Natural Element and
some other doodad!
I am hooked on Table Decor today . . .
Take minute and see what others are hooked on over at
Labels: Accessories, Lighting, Natural Elements
Monday, May 4, 2009
Yes, lamps really do add life to a space and say
Also see how we created a "Unit" a grouping of items:
I love mirrors in an entry, they work great when you have a very small space and cannot put a table --- just hang a mirror and it feels welcoming.
Notice the lamp and the flowers.
If you have space it is nice to add a few more accessories and a chair with a pillow.
Also do you see how they are grouped --- a piece of art, a lamp, some flowers, books, a frame, a couple of glass vases.
See how the artwork is grouped with the table ---
"Welcome to my House"
Labels: Entry, Groupings, Lighting, Natural Elements