Thursday, June 9, 2011

Total Room Makeover Using What Was in the Home Already!

This room started out completely different---
but by shopping around the house and using items that the homeowner
 had in her home already, we created a
completely different space!


The antique secretary and the couch were in the basement.
The rocking chair was in the bedroom.
The other chair was in the family room.
And the two end tables were elsewhere in the house.

The floral sofa and loveseat  were dated and she just wanted an excuse
 to part with them---and this was it!
The grouping above the couch was a little too high
so it felt disconnected from the loveseat.

See what a nice grouping we made with the leather sofa
the artwork and the lamp.

We took most of these items out of the room,
 and created a really different feel.

We traded the curtains from the family room to create a more formal feel.
The table is more to scale with the two chairs in this after shot.


The lamps and the artwork are about the only items
that were in the room originally.

This homeowner had a number of furniture pieces that had
belonged to her grandmother. 
They were in different places around the house. 
But once we pulled many of them together in one space
 it created a completely different style.

Notice the curtains. 
 I really like them better than the topper that was originally there.
The colors work very nicely in this room.



Now with the curtains changed out.
Which one do you like better?

The small pieces of artwork are needlework and buttons,
They go so well with the antique  feel in this room.

It is so interesting how we collect different items that we love
and usually you can see a theme that runs through them.
So when you place these items together using
design principles it feels really nice!

See how there were a few too many items in one space.

If you take out some pieces and free up a little room
it looks and feels much more inviting.

See how fun this can be---
Look around your house and see if you can do a room makeover!


  1. Fantastic job. The room looks fantastic and I love the drapes. The room is so up to date now. Looks gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  2. This is one of your best examples yet of shopping in the house. So nice she could use her grandmother's furniture. And I really like the throw on the sofa.
    (I do love that pink chair. Hope it found a good home!)

  3. I love this room makeover, especially since they didn't have to buy anything, it is truly amazing. Another great job Angela!
