Friday, June 19, 2009

Living Room--Redesign With What You Have!

This is the home that was featured on the Studio 5 segment.
(I want to Thank Lisa for being so willing to have her home on TV.)

I wanted to show you my before and after photos and talk
about what made the difference.
Everything we used for this space was already in her home.


AFTER -The cabinet that is on the far wall was in her bedroom. It was a great piece to add to the living room, because we used it in creating a focal point. We added a lamp on the top, some frames and a natural element, it is now a place your eye can rest.


See how we created a "Unit" with the couch, the picture on the wall and the accessories on the table behind the couch. If you saw the video clip --- the table behind the couch is an old sewing cabinet that we found in the basement storage!

We got the lamp and the plants from the family room.


Notice how the rug anchors the furniture, it adds texture and helps pull the room together. We got it from the dining room.

See what a difference the gold pillows make. They were in the closet, left over from an older comforter set.

The little table we have between the two chairs is a country style with hunter green paint that we found in the basement. It would not work the way it was, so we just covered it with a gold tablecloth that we found in the kitchen.
Look how great it works with the bedroom pillows.

Isn't this fun . . . ! It truly is like a treasure hunt.

Start with just one room and see what elements you
can pull
from other parts of your house.

Who would have guessed that we could find a tablecloth and pillows that add so much to the living room.

Go ahead and give it a try!

---I would love to hear about it---


  1. I am a professional redesigner and home stager also and your work is really good! I love all the things you have done as I said the other day! Isn't it amazing how once you know the design principles and if you have an just almost transforms itself. I do like the shopping the house aspect too, there is always a thread of similar things that can work together. Love the red and yellow together.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    This room looks great! I love how you were able to shop the house and find items to pull it all together!

  3. We're moving into our first home in a week and a half, and with BBQ's and house warming parties in clear site, I need help! In the family room, we're hanging our 42" plasma on the wall. All of the equipment (cable box, DVD Player, etc.) will be tucked away in a closet, so no media cabinet is needed. My problem is... the TV will be the only thing on that wall!!! Yikes, like a huge picture with nothing else! What should I add to fill up the space without making it too cluttered? I have decorations, but no idea where to put them...

  4. Hi Hayley,

    I talk alot about creating a unit.
    If you can put something with the TV so it is not all by it's self that will help.

    I would suggest a sofa table or cabinet that is about the width of the the TV but not very deep, then place a few accessories(some books a plant a few frames)on the table top it then anchors the TV with something else so that it is not floating on the wall. You could also add something on the sides of the TV, if your wall is large enough. You are wanting to create enough visual weight on that wall to balance out what is in the other parts of the room.

    Give it a try and let me know what happens. Good Luck, Angela
