Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to Arrange Pictures

So often when we hang pictures on the wall they get hung
right in the middle.

I am wanting to share a few other ways to consider.

In this photo there are two pieces hung vertically, and quite close together, but it works well and helps to create a "unit" with the table and accessories.

Another idea is to hang similar frames in a group so that they have a bigger impact.
See how the amount of space between the frames is about the same all over.

Same idea with the frames on this wall.

Here is a BEFORE of a dining room. The black and white pictures on the wall are hung quite far apart as if trying to fill more of the space. But it doesn't quite feel right.

The gold colored art on the left rarely gets any attention because it is just a space that they pass by.

In this AFTER shot we just exchanged places with the pictures.
Hanging the black and whites vertically on a wall that has less space.
They fit the scale of that wall better.

The larger gold art fills the bigger wall much better and can now be viewed from the family room. The colors tie in very nicely with the dining and family rooms.

Notice in this BEFORE the wall going up the stairs.
The pictures are spaced quite far apart, as if trying to fill the space.

In the AFTER we just added one more piece and moved them closer together. See how the space between each picture is about the same.

It feels so much better.

Now go and look around your home and see if you can arrange your pictures to be alittle more interesting, and balanced.

I'm participating in Hooked on Friday's and
Melissa's Beautiful Life go and see what's going on over there.


  1. What great pictures and I love your before and afters right next to each other - simple, yet very effective!

  2. This is a pet peeve of mine -- people just chucking pictures up on the walls any old how...

    Although I have been known to hang something just because there was already a nail there :)

    Your examples are very instructive!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I go to pieces when it's time to hang pictures. I call our designer friend, Gordon. He treats it like brain surgery: Lots of ways to do it wrong but also lots of ways to do it right.

    He suggests grounding pictures if you can. Your first 3 pictures show hangings over a table, a buffet, and a sofa. This way the pictures aren't, like, flying in space. Your eye can go up and down with plenty to see.

    The hall pictures are hanging in space. You made a big difference in the hall by stacking the smaller ones, getting them more in contact with the floor. Add a bit furniture or a big vase under the hall pictures and it's done.

    P.S. In the hall I like that the pictures have the same theme but way different presentations.

  5. HI,

    A first timer here and found your site so interesting. I love frames but my probs is that I got big frames and my wall isn't big enough for them.

    It really desperating coz I love my cheap paintings and I love them be seen. I even got one painting exactly what you have in one of your photos. 5th photo, right side §:-))

    Maybe you can advice? it's really appreciated.

    Million thanks!

  6. Fantastic post, pictures can be tricky to place but you had lots of great ideas there. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thank you for the tip with the photos on the staircase. I never know what to do.
