Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Redesign Pop Quiz

We have looked at this Family Room before---
But it is such a good study on what design principles make the space more cozy.

This time I want you to look over the photos and comment back to me on what you see that made the difference.

I will be posting the answers on my next post.

So let me know . . . what made the difference!!
(This will get you thinking about your own space)


  1. well, the area rug brings in color and anchors the room. the angled furniture makes conversation easier, and makes the room cozier. the other elements - throw blanket, pictures, etc make the room cozier and softer!

    I love it!

  2. Um if I were any good at that question, I wouldn't be begging for my own house hellllllllppppp! I have a totally blank up for taking a look at it?

  3. The first move was angling the larger sofa to view the TV since that is wear most people would sit, and unfortunately, the TV is the main focus of the people who will be using the room. The placement of the TV makes that room a challenge.

    The floor rug breaks up the ocean of neutral space. The lamps, plants, throws, pillow, and curtains all add color, interest and warmth. Like adding your personality to the room and making it warm and inviting instead of sterile.

    Very nice!

  4. Dropped in from UBP

    I love intior decorating but have no clue where to begin. Your blog is a keeper and your home is very cozy.

    Drop by and say hi

  5. That's a great room re-do. I can look at a room like that and see the difference the furniture placement made, how cozy it looks with the added throws and pillows, how the rug grounds the room, but why can't I seem to start from scratch and do that in my own house? Great blog! I'm visiting from UBP.

  6. You are so right!! that does get me thinking. my living room is huge and we have two full leather sofa's, a large chair with ottoman, and a recliner. Our hearth is large also and the fire place is too small if you ask me. Anyway, this does get me thinking and that could be dangerous!! lol

  7. Your home is gorgeous! If only my house could be that clean! Have a great week! :)

  8. Love your "cozy" tutorials. What a great site you have. there's a bunch of us decorating over at HomeGoods Openhouse Blog so hope you'll drop by for the party.

  9. Hi! So glad I stopped in. Love your blog. Party hopping and participating too so stop in for a visit.

  10. Blog hopping as part of the UBP. It is very nice to meet you and your blog. I have a toddler learning/ fun activities site. I also review childrens products. I am looking forward to adding to my blog list (definitely don't need to it is already so big but can't help myself because I love reading blogs). Have fun with the party! My blog is

    bookmarked site

  11. Oh I am SO in need of decorating tips! I found you from the UBP - glad I did!
    I like the accessories you have added to the rooms like the throws, pillows, etc.

  12. The first thing I noticed was that you added low and mid level lighting to the room-which makes a room more inviting. The rug focuses the room to the center and it also pulls colors together and is very appealing to the warmth of the room. I noticed you added other elements, throw, picture, assorted tables that helped to finish the room.

  13. Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.

    I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.


    I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.

  14. Will you please come to my house and design all my rooms!!!! I am a brand new blogger and really enjoying the party. I am putting you on my favorites. I need help. I want my home cozy for my family. Thanks for having a great blog! Have fun at the party.

  15. The first thing that jumps out at me this the furniture placement. Closer together and anchored with the rug. You added softer textures for a come-hither atmosphere.

    I stopped in for the blog party and found a new source. I'm in the middle of a move and redecorating my house. So I will be back for tips!

  16. Hi just stopping by from the UBP. I so need to redesign my living room but have no idea how to go about doing it. Lovely family room makeover.
