Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just so you get the point!

This grouping against the wall makes a great
Focal point.

In this BEFORE the sofa is against the wall---

See how the picture is hung up high ---
and does not feel connected to the sofa as a unit.

In this AFTER picture we pulled the loveseat it in closer to the
other sofa and created a conversation area.

The flow of traffic now goes behind the sofa and the
wall is freed up to create a focal point.

Doesn't that FEEL better.

Look for the Focal Point in this living room.

You can really see it now ---

The sofa, mirror and assorted wall art, draw your eye to that wall.


Here is the same room with a different angle ---


Can you feel the "COZY" factor!


  1. Hi Angela! I am so impressed with your tips- I could definitely use some expertise in my own home! I'm also in the process of planning an Enrichment night and wondered if you might be interested in coming to speak on some of these principles of home decor. I'd love to hear from you- mrsfelt [at]

    Christina Felt

  2. I would love to come and speak. I have a really fun presentation with before and after pictures.

    Anyone else that lives in the SLC or Utah county area that would like to have me come and speak, I would love to. Just contact me on a comment or at

    I'm wanting to spread the word---It is fun stuff don't you think!
