This is the house of a good friend of mine.
Her house was ready for a good "facelift"!
Here is a sneek peek at what we did.
I will show you some quick before and afters
and in upcoming posts
I will give you all of the juicy details and more photos!
Living Room BEFORE
Living Room AFTER
Kitchen BEFORE
Kitchen AFTER
Family Room BEFORE
Family Room AFTER
It was quite the project and we had some really funny stories.
My good friend Connie does a blog and is a fantastic writer.
She will be doing a write up on the redesign
and I will be sure and give you all a link, so you can see
how it all went down from her perspective as well.
See you at the end of the week!
While I think the living room looks way better in the "after" photo, a word of caution. It is a very bad idea to put a piano in a window. The variations in temp plus the sun, etc, can have a disastrous affect on the tuning.
ReplyDeleteThank you Adrienne for your word of advice. I am aware of the negative tuning effects that a piano can have when placed against an outside wall or window. This is something that I discuss with each homowner and then allow them to decide thier own preference on where to place the piano.
ReplyDeleteOh, sheesh. I should have realized that! Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI sold pianos for awhile and I remember the client that bought a huge very expensive (35K) full grand and then stuck it in a gigantic bay window area that got full sun all afternoon. It made us all wince and we tried to tell them not to do that. They proceeded to complain because the piano was always needing to be tuned. Well, duh!
Your room make-overs are really some of the best I've ever seen (proving you're not just another pretty face.)
Adrienne, you are so kind, thank you! I really do love the input that you are all willing to share. It really is about helping each other out!