Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Took a Little Trip!

It has been a few weeks since I posted but I left the country for a bit ---
 I thought I would share with you a little of my trip.
Here are a few pictures from

The Philippines!

20 years ago I served as a Missionary for my Church---The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (The Mormons).

I had a chance to travel with a number of former missionaries and our mission president back to visit.  I took my 14 year old daughter with me so she could experience a little culture from around the world.

This is a picture of my daughter and I in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

As we traveled we stopped in Seoul, South Korea and picked up some fantastic fruit smoothies.

We stopped in Manila and saw the American Cemetary.

 Here are a number of former missionaries that I served with, American and Filipino. 
 And our sweet mission president in the middle.

It was wonderful to renew old friendships.

We experienced a couple of fantasic rain storms.

I had to practice eating the authentic Filipino style using my fingers!  My daughter loved that.

I tried the Pancit but it was not exactly as I remembered it---

This was a typical sari-sari store,  they now offer cell phones
and minutes for sale. 
Everyone has a cell phone!

A couple of darling boys at the market.

We had to visit the fish market.

Aren't they adorable.

The bananas and mangos are from heaven --- I could not get enough.

We attended a Cultural Celebration put on by 2000 youth from our church in the area. 
 They performed for our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson.

On the last day we were able to attend the dedication of the new Cebu City Temple.

It was a remarkable journey and one that I am so grateful to have shared with dear friends in the Philippines, former missionaries and especially my daughter, Tiffany. 


  1. Fun pictures! Can't wait to hear more about it.

  2. that's more than a little trip!

    looks like an amazing time and how wonderful to have your daughter with you!

    those little faces are precious!

  3. WOW! what a great experience! Looks like it was a lot of FUN! Thanks for sharing :))

  4. I wondered where you'd been. My 85 year old mother and I went to the Philippines last October to visit my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandchildren who were living in Manila. What a fabulous trip it was. I had never thought I would want to visit the Philippines, but it was a great experience. I too loved the American Cemetary, but unfortunately didn't get up to Cebu. We saw the Manila Temple however and the aftermath of all the flooding.

  5. Marilyn, I am so impressed that your mother traveled with you that far. It is not for the faint of heart! It is a place that I love and it was a remarkable experience.
    Thank you for sharing about your time there.

  6. I attended your class in Springville awhile back and loved it. I would love to have my Laurels attend one of your classes, will you be teaching again anytime soon? Will you email me and let me know. Thanks!

  7. Wow Angela! What a fantastic trip! So glad you had such a wonderful memorable experience and especially being able to share it with Tiffany! Thanks so much for sharing! Loved all your pictures!
