Friday, February 26, 2010

Answers to this Interior Redesign Quiz!

Originally this couch and the one you see in the background were a sectional --- I got so carried away with changing things up that I forgot to take the before photo while they were still attached! 

Anyway here are the answers to what we did that made this room work.

BEFORE  (The piano was originally under the painting)

We had to balance out the room so that is was weighted more evenly.  With the bookcase in the corner and (imagine) the piano under the painting... it created a lot of weight on that side of the room.

1. We moved the bookcase to the center of the wall.  It felt more balanced and made a very nice focal point.  Taking the sectional apart and bringing in a chair and ottoman made the room feel much more inviting.  Previously the sectional closed off the space and you had to walk all the way around it to sit down.  The red throw blanket nicely covers up the arm where the sectional attached so you would never know that it was part of a bigger piece.

2. The rug anchors the furniture together and adds to the welcoming feeling of the room.

3. We added natural elements with the big pot of twigs behind the couch, and a few plants around the room.

4. The mirror on one side of the couch and the pot on the other help to create a balanced feel to that wall.

5. Having a chair or two in a space can allow for many different possibilites.  Consider using chairs with your sofa!

6. On the table we have a lamp, a plant and a wooden plaque. And they are different heights.  When you are decorating an accessory table: add a lamp, a natural element and something of personal nature and you will have it done!

Having the piano on this side of the room helped to balance the room.

7. We moved the painting and created a unit with a small quilt rack and a pot of twigs.  It gave a bit more substance to that space rather than just hanging the art.

8.  I love to hang art vertically.  The three framed photos work very nicely on this smaller space of wall.  Notice how the top one is quite high and the bottom one is quite low--- but it works.  You will see this in magazines all the time.  Be brave and give it a try!

9. Notice all of the little touches of red.  Red gives a pop of life to any room.

Remember... all of this Interior Redesign was done with what was in the home already! 
Isn't that inspiring.

What an inviting Living Room to come home too! 

I will show you what we did to the little room off the the left
next time.

I am joining the blog party over at the Inspired Room go and see what has inspired others this week.


  1. It all looks beautiful. You know you hear that rugs don't work on carpet... but you prove that they do, and you make me want one for my family room. Love all the details! JGG
